Beano Brain Insights

Gen Alpha in the workforce

Written by Beano Brain | Jul 4, 2024 8:33:03 PM

With only four years to go until the first of Gen Alpha enter the workforce, what will be their careers of choice?


Thanks to our unique omnibus tool, we’re able to talk directly to millions of kids 7-14 in the UK and US every month and have heard from more than 3,000 of them this week.


For this creative entrepreneur generation, it’s not surprising that being a YouTuber (44%) and running their own business (33%) take the top spots. Those surveyed who identify as girls also lean into creative careers with over a third wanting to be a make-up artist (33%) or an interior designer (35%).


Gen Alpha also continue their own form of constructive rebellion, aspiring to careers that make a difference. Interestingly following two years of hybrid at home and in school schooling, ambitions of being a teacher have increased. When we asked kids 7-14 back in April 2020 20% wanted to go into teaching, rising to nearly a quarter (23%) when asked this week.


Creativity and creative solutions for this generation continue to stem from their play. For the kids and teens we asked their favourite creative hobbies are doing arts and crafts (49%), building and creating in gaming worlds (47%) and making up stories, songs or jokes (43%).



There are a few notable gender differences with kids who we asked identifying as boys preferring to play with toys than girls (38% vs 29%) and enjoy digital things like coding, making apps or websites (27% vs 17%). And those who identified as girls being more likely to enjoy decorating their rooms (48% vs 25%) or making their own clothes (27% vs 12%). If we can count on anything it will be that this constructive cohort carves out their own career paths with their creative problem solving.


With half (51%) enjoy being creative because it allows them to do anything they want it’s not a question of if Gen A is ready for the workplace but more if the workplace is ready for Gen A!


If you’d like to know more about Gen Alpha’s creativity please get in touch and use our brain. We’re here to help.